

ROHM的复位IC(电压检测器IC)具有±1%的高电压检测精度、低功耗、小型薄型封装、宽的多档次检测电压值等优点,适用于装有微型机或CPU、DSP等控制器的各种设备。 为了使人放心使用,设计时还充分考虑了其可靠性,请选择适合设备的复位IC.



Voltage Detectors Easy Parts Finder

Series Delay time Features Circuit Current (µA) Voltage Detection Accuracy Ta=25℃ (%) Detection Voltage Range (V) Detection Voltage Steps (V) Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltage (V) Operating Voltage Range (V) Hysteresis Voltage Package Operating Temperature Range Manual Reset PIN
BD52xxG-1 Series
Controlled by External Capacitor - 0.27 ±0.9 0.9 to 5.0 0.1V 7 0.8 to 6.0 5% SSOP5 -40℃ to 85℃ -
BD71L4Lx-1 Series - Over Voltage Detection
(Low active)
0.7 ±0.8 4.05 - 7 1.2 to 7.0 30mV SSOP5, HVSOF5 -40℃ to 85℃ -
BD71L3Sx Series - Over Voltage Detection
(Low active)
0.7 ±1 3.83 - 7 1.2 to 7.0 30mV HVSOF5 -40℃ to 85℃ -
BD4142HFV Controlled by External Capacitor Sense type 7.5 ±1.8 Default 0.5V (Adjustable via external resistors) - 6 3.0 to 5.5 10mV HVSOF5 -10℃ to 100℃ -
BD37AxxFVM Series Controlled by External Capacitor With Watchdog Timer
(INH pin switches to "High")
5 ±1.5 1.9, 4.1 - 10 1.0 to 10.0 13%, 3.5% MSOP8 -40℃ to 105℃ -
BD99A41F Controlled by External Capacitor With Watchdog Timer
(INH pin switches to "High")
5 ±1.5 4.1 - 10 1.0 to 10.0 3.5% SOP8 -40℃ to 105℃ -
BD87AxxFVM Series Controlled by External Capacitor With Watchdog Timer
(INH pin switches to "Low")
5 ±1.5 2.8, 2.9, 3.4, 4.1 - 10 1.0 to 10.0 3.5%, 4.5%, 5% MSOP8 -40℃ to 105℃ -
BD3775AF Controlled by External Capacitor 2ch Reset & Comparator 350 ±1.5 1.23 - 20 3.5 to 18.0 28mV SOP8 -40℃ to 85℃ -
Series Delay time Features Circuit Current (µA) Voltage Detection Accuracy Ta=25℃ (%) Detection Voltage Range (V) Detection Voltage Steps (V) Absolute Maximum Ratings Voltage (V) Operating Voltage Range (V) Hysteresis Voltage Package Operating Temperature Range Manual Reset PIN
BD48(49)ExxG-M Series - - 0.85 ±1 2.3 to 6.0 0.1V 10 0.95 to 10.0 5% SSOP5 -40℃ to 105℃ -
BD45(46)ExxxG-M Series Counter Timer Built-in 50ms, 100ms, 200ms 0.85 ±1 2.3 to 6.0 0.1V 10 0.95 to 10.0 5% SSOP5 -40℃ to 105℃ Yes
BD52(53)xxG-2M Series Controlled by External Capacitor - 0.27 ±2.5 (Ta= All temperature) 0.9 to 5.0 0.1V 7 0.8 to 6.0 5% SSOP5 -40℃ to 105℃ -
BD52(53)xxG-2C Series Controlled by External Capacitor - 0.27 ±3.0 (Ta= All temperature) 0.9 to 5.0 0.1V 7 0.8 to 6.0 5% SSOP5 -40℃ to 125℃ -
BD52(53)xxNVX-2C Series Controlled by External Capacitor - 0.27 ±2.5 (Ta= All temperature) 2.6 to 3.1 0.1V 7 0.8 to 6.0 5% SSON004R1010 -40℃ to 125℃ -
BD70H31G-C Series
- Over Voltage Detection
(High active)
0.3 ±1.4 (Ta= All temperature) 3.46 to
3.76 / 3.06
0.1V 7 0.8 to 6.0 - SSOP5 -40℃ to 125℃ -
BD52W03G-C Controlled by External Capacitor Window Type, SENSE Detection 0.3 ±5.0 (Ta= All temperature) 1.98V
(Over Voltage) /
(Under Voltage)
- 7 1.6 to 6.0 1% SSOP6 -40℃ to 125℃ -
- Window Type, SENSE Detection, Adjust Type 0.5 ±0.75 (Ta= All temperature) 1.277V
(Over Voltage) /
(Under Voltage)
- 42 1.8 to 40 1% SSOP6 -40℃ to 125℃ -
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      - google hint var relPrevEle = $('a[curtab="#partF"]'); if (relPrevEle.length > 0) { var relPrevURL = relPrevEle.attr('href'); $('head').append(''); } var relNextEle = $('a[curtab="#infoS"]'); if (relNextEle.length > 0) { var relNextURL = relNextEle.attr('href'); $('head').append(''); } $(window).load(function() { }); $(document).ready(function() { $(".accordion").find(".accordion-section").last() .addClass("lastborder"); $(".title a").click(function() { $("#detail").toggle(); }); tabs3 = $('.para-table.custom-table #tabs3').scrollTabs(); });